3 Reasons Why You Should be Marketing to Your Existing Customers

Many businesses have put thousands or even millions of dollars of their marketing budget into attracting new customers. Time and time again, companies offer incredible deals to new customers with minimal thought or effort on retaining those new customers. An increasing number of businesses are discovering the value of retention marketing. By engaging with your customers, you will positively impact your business’s bottom line.

Increased Retention

Increasing overall retention rates in your business should always be top of mind. In the contractor industry, chances are your customers are not using your business very often. You want to remind your existing customers of your business, the services you provide, and any current offers or incentives. Include educational information that’s tailored to your specific region and field. This will help in building a “sticky” customer base and strengthen the probability of repeat customers.

Personalize each interaction with your customers, that way they’ll feel like you truly care about them and will want to continue their relationship with you. Prioritizing a long-lasting relationship with your existing customers will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty for years to come.

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Increased Revenue

As customer retention increases, revenue will follow. On average, repeat customers spend around 67% more than new customers.

According to Small Business Trends, 65% of all sales will come from existing customers. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60%-70%. Meanwhile, the probability of getting a prospective customer to use your services for the first time is only 5% to 20%. You’re 40% more likely to convince an existing customer to come back than you are to convert a prospective customer. Compared to new customers, existing customers are 50% more likely to try out additional services. The higher the retention rate, the greater the profits.

In general, existing customers are more reliable buyers. Increasing the amount of upsells, cross-sells, upgrades, add-ons, and other marketing offers will lead to more sales from existing customers.


Building a robust referral program makes it easier for customers to share their positive experiences with your business. If customers are satisfied and value your services, they can be valuable by referring your business to their local community. These customers are open to telling their success stories through social media, online neighborhood groups, and Google reviews.

Customer referrals are a huge help in acquiring new customers and lead generation. People trust referrals from friends, family, or peers over messaging that comes directly from the business. We get access to new clients who already know about us and have a positive opinion of what we do.

Offer a gift card or 20% off a customer’s next roof inspection, AC tune-up, siding replacement, or plumbing service when they refer someone that converts to a customer. This is an easy, effective, and affordable solution to building a client base through word-of-mouth. 

Interested in how to grow your business through current customer marketing? Send us an email or give us a call at 443-410-3861 to learn more!

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