Weekly Digital Marketing Roundup

March 20, 2017 – By Aaron Hockel

Here are the biggest announcements, product updates, and news stories impacting the digital marketing industry last week:

Google Changing How Search Terms Trigger Exact Match Keywords

Any business using keyword match types in Google AdWords needs to take note of this announcement. In the coming months Google will expand how search terms trigger exact match keywords to include both variations in word order and function words. Below are two illustrations of how the new exact match settings will work. To read the full announcement from Google, click here.

Function Words

Google AdWords Exact Match Keyword Functions Example

Variations & Word Order

Google AdWords Exact Match Change Example For Word Order

Facebook Launches New Look For Comments

Late last week Facebook launched a new look for comments on posts. The change makes comments, and replies to comments, look more like a conversation and closely resemble the current appearance of chats from Facebook messenger. To see the new format, simply update and launch the Facebook app on your phone, or, click here to read coverage of the change from Social Media Today.

Did Google Sell Ad Space On Google Home?

In what Google says is not an ad, users of Google Home noticed late last week and over the weekend that it was reminding people that “Beauty and the Beast” was opening in theaters. This appears to be the first commercialization of the product. Google is firmly saying it was not a paid ad and only an “out of the ordinary cooperation with a Google Home partner”. Could this be the beginning of a new advertising stream for Google? Time will tell but it is definitely something to keep an eye on. Click here to listen to a full recording of how Google Home promoted the film via Search Engine Land’s coverage of the news.

Google Facing Major Pressure From European Businesses, Government Over Content Next To Ad Placements

Last week The Guardian began pulling ads from Google and the British Cabinet Office summoned them to appear before officials. The reason? Ads have been getting placed next to content on extremist and hyper-partisan sites drawing both the ire and concern of everyone from private advertisers to government regulators. At issue is Google’s ability to control and limit where it places ads through the Google Display Network and what policies and assurances they can make to advertisers. For a in-depth coverage of this issue, read the full story on Marketing Land by clicking here.

Missed last week’s roundup?Click here for the biggest digital marketing stories from last week!

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