Stop Wasting Time Updating Your Roofing Blog

September 26, 2016 – By Aaron Hockel

5 time saving tips for updating your roofing blog

Managing a roofing blog is no easy task. It requires dedication, effort, and time. It is that last requirement, time, that is a challenge for many roofers. What they do not realize is that writing blog posts does not have to be incredibly time consuming. There are numerous ways to reduce the time it takes to create new posts.

Before deciding you do not have time to write a new post for your roofing blog, consider these time saving tips.

Decide on your topic in advance

Do not open your computer to start working on a blog without deciding on a topic beforehand. If you struggle to develop ideas, try having an independent brainstorming session to come up with a list of 10 to 15 topics. When you go to write your next blog, use this list.

Focus on specific topics

Do not focus on writing everything about any one topic. Blogging becomes much easier when you focus on one specific topic. Writing a post for your roofing blog titled “How to replace a roof” is incredibly challenging. Writing a post titled “3 Common Shingle Roof Repairs” is significantly easier. North American Roofing’s blog is an excellent example of this approach.

Start with the content – not the introduction and conclusion

This might seem backwards in theory, but it works incredibly well in practice. The body of your post contains your most important content, so let it dictate your introduction and conclusion. It is easier to write the “3 Common Shingle Roof Repairs” than it is to write an introduction or conclusion to that same topic.

Keep it short

Posts on your roofing blog are not to be confused with in-depth instruction manuals, case studies, or technical journals. The best blogs are ones that are short, focus on a specific topic, and are easy to read. A target length of 350 to 450 words is a great guideline.

Develop a recurring post

This is one of the easiest ways to make sure you have a consistently updated roofing blog. The idea is to come up with a format for a post that can be used over and over again. This should be a post that is easy to write. A “project of the month” post is an excellent example of this concept.

A well maintained blog is a great marketing tool. It fills your website with content, educates your customers, and helps establish your industry expertise. Following these 5 time saving tips for updating your roofing blog should only make it easier to update it on a regular basis.

Need help setting up or managing a blog for your roofing business? The marketing team at AltaVista offers a full range of custom solutions catering to residential and commercial roofers of all sizes. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the form on this page, emailing us at [email protected], or calling us at 1-800-313-2168.

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