7 Houzz Facts Infographic

September 16, 2016 – By Aaron Hockel

Many contractors have explored Houzz in the past but did not think it was right for their business. How does a site focused on interior designers and architects help a roofer or painting contractor? While this might have been true in the early days of Houzz, this is no longer the case.

Houzz has expanded to include two new overall categories, home services and home improvement. Within these two categories users can navigate to profile listings of services such as handyman, roofing and gutters, painting, plumbing, and many more.

Still unsure if Houzz is right for your remodeling or contracting business? Checkout this infographic with 7 reasons to give it a second look:


7 Houzz Facts


Ready to learn how Houzz can help drive new leads to your contracting or remodeling business? Contact us for a free consultation by phone at 1-888-313-216 or by filling out the contact form on this page.


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