Smartphone use has exploded in the United States. There are 163 million smartphone users today in the U.S. and that number is expected to reach 220 million by 2018. Your prospects have smartphones, and they spend an average of 195 minutes using them every day.

Further research has shown that only 25% of this time is spent communicating. Your prospects with smartphones spend an average of 145 minutes every day using mobile apps, including LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can be utilized to execute a mobile marketing plan that will reach your prospects on their mobile devices. By the end of the year LinkedIn is expected to have more than 50% of its traffic from its mobile applications

The LinkedIn mobile app’s default settings send a user notifications anytime someone:

– Invites them to connect

– Sends them a messages

– Likes one of their posts or group discussions

– Comments on their updates or group discussions

– Accepts an invitation request

– Shares your update

Statistics show that users of LinkedIn’s mobile app are twice as active on the network as desktop only users. This means that your prospects than using LinkedIn’s mobile app should be responsive to this type of outreach.

When you engage a prospect through any of the social touches listed above, the notification will hit their smartphone, inbox, and LinkedIn will alert them the next time they login. By simply sending a message on LinkedIn, we get a three-for-one effect.

Strategies to reach prospects mobile devices will become an increasing part of marketing plans as the number of smartphone users, and the time spent using smartphones, continues to increase. LinkedIn offers a great starting place or supplement to your strategy to reach prospects on their mobile devices.

For more information on how AltaVista Strategic Partners can help your organization build and execute a strategic mobile marketing plan please fill out the contact form on this page, email us at [email protected], or call our offices at 410-760-6680.

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