Manta is one of the fastest growing and largest online directories for small businesses, yet many organizations profiles still go unclaimed on the site. Over 30,000 small business listings are being added each month and the site gets over 30,000,000 hits each month. Have you Googled your businesses name lately? Manta sources fairly well on page one of Google when directly typing in a business’s name. This morning I searched 20 clients by name on Google and their Manta profiles came up on the first page for 14 of them. Manta business profiles list a wealth of information about your business including: - Contact Information (address, phone number, email) - Link to your website - Year established - Number of employees - Revenue - Products and services - Hours of business The major risk in not claiming your profile that your business can still be listed on Manta, which collects business data and information from multiple sources including public registration records, public financial records, government registries, and direct phone calls to businesses. Manta does not need your permission to list you or your business, and your profile can rank on the first page of Google. What if they have sourced incorrect information about your business such as an old address, phone number, website hyperlink, or contact email? Your business information can be misrepresented in an online directory that can source on page one of Google. This risk alone is more than enough reason to claim your profile. Once your profile is claimed you will be able to make sure that all information listed is correct and hide certain pieces of information you might not want to be easily accessible, such as revenue estimates. The entire process of claiming your profile should only take 15 to 20 minutes and process is fairly simple. For more information on how AltaVista Strategic Partners can help you claim your profile on Manta, assist with online marketing, or help your organization build and execute a strategic marketing plan, please fill out the contact form on the right side of this page, call us at 410-760-6680, or email us at [email protected].

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